Is this book for you
Do you recognise any of these pain points?
If you recognise any of these challeneges, The Entrepreneur Within can offer a new perspective on how to move forwards and unlock growth.
We can’t articulate a coherent strategy for growth or differentiation.
We’re too reactive to market pressures and competition, not creating our own path.
We’re falling in love with the solution, not the problem.
Our new initiatives don’t fit in with our mission.
We struggle to have genuinely creative thoughts.
The ideas we do have don’t cut through.
We have too many naysayers who block progress.
We don’t seem to prioritise the most promising ideas.
We’re scared of failure.
We don’t test things quickly enough, or don’t know when things are good enough
Decisions are taken without the right data.
We’re not quick enough to back projects that show traction.
We struggle to get new initiatives beyond a certain size.
Our decision making is starting to slow down.
Some of the team are becoming disenfranchised.
We can no longer see the forest for the trees.
We’re too internally focussed.
We don’t have access to the very best talent.
We’re on the back foot with the latest market developments.
We take on all the innovation risk ourselves.